IT Hotdesk Gains Government Cyber Essentials Certification


IT Hotdesk Gains Government Cyber Essentials Certification

IT Hotdesk has gained the Government certification for Cyber Essentials. The Cyber Essentials Scheme is part of the UK Government’s National Cyber Security Strategy and provides an independent assessment of the essential security controls that organisations need to have in place to mitigate risks from internet-borne threats.

By successfully going through a Cyber Essentials assessment, organisations not only lower their risk of serious data and financial loss, but by displaying the Cyber Essentials’ badge they demonstrate to customers that they have taken steps to be fundamentally cyber safe.

Gordon Christie, Managing Director of IT Hotdesk, commented “We believe we are the first local IT Company to achieve this certification. Cyber Essentials is an important government-driven initiative to ensure cyber security for organisations. Commercially, it is also mandated for organisations bidding for a range of government contracts.”

“For us, this accreditation not only proves our own security, but it also demonstrates our security awareness to our customers. For organisations, it provides a stronger measure of security, than those with the lower level PCI certification, particularly level 4. And organisations can also have greater confidence in cyber security if they buy from suppliers who are certified.”

The certification was awarded to IT Hotdesk following an evaluation of its security by IASME. IASME is accredited to carry out Cyber Essentials certification services. “We enjoyed working with IT Hotdesk to help them achieve the Cyber Essentials certification and applaud their initiative, Cyber Essentials focusses attention on key areas of security and provides real assurance that IT Hotdesk has appropriate measures in place to secure data.”

In order to pass the Cyber Essentials Accreditation, IT Hotdesk had to complete a Cyber Essentials questionnaire, covering the five key elements of the Cyber Essentials programme. IT Hotdesk’s network also underwent a vulnerability assessment, to ensure the company had implemented sufficient and secure controls.

“The Cyber Essentials scheme is unique because it has been developed as collaboration between the UK government and the very best cyber security professionals in the UK, these professionals utilised their years of experience and invested their own time to extract the security standards that should be applied to all businesses, regardless of size. I commend IT Hotdesk on their strong commitment to security and on achieving this certification.” Commented Ben Davenport of IASME.

IT Hotdesk are a leading Technology Solution Provider, specialising in Security, Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery services, headquartered in Aberdeen, with offices in Edinburgh & Glasgow. IT Hotdesk support & manage customers’ IT systems and deliver new systems using Hardware, Software, Virtualisation & Cloud Computer technologies. Our customers range from local small businesses to international companies; they look to us first to provide advice, insight, recommendations & support for their IT Systems & Solutions.

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IT Hotdesk Gains Government Cyber Essentials Certification
