Technological advances are shaping the future of the energy sector, which has led to a shift in the use of renewable sources.
The renewables industry is recognised as the future, and with projects operating across the globe, it’s important that companies have a strong dependable IT system in place.
Manage your IT online with our on-demand, pay-as-you-go solutions. Hold everything from servers and storage to applications, analytics, and software, online, and in one place.
“IT Hotdesk joined the DeepWind Cluster in July 2020, a 497 strong membership, consisting of 27 developers and is now the largest of any supply chain cluster in the UK.
“We are proud to be working with this surging sector and have already helped some fellow members with their IT requirements. Our bespoke, hands-on approach ensures that IT adds value to their business and helps accelerate business efficiency and objectives at all times.
“With IT Hotdesk being headquartered in the heart of the DeepWind Cluster in Aberdeen, we are well positioned to support one of the cluster’s main objectives, which is to have a strong Scottish supply chain that works together to strengthen the cluster and subsequent projects.”
As a global industry, renewable energy companies need to be able to communicate quickly and cost effectively.
Making sure that all offices, regardless of location, have constant access to our emergency on call team
From project management tools to design software, such as CAD, industry specific tools are critical to a companies operations.
Experts in strategy and implementation
A wealth of experience
Tailored solutions designed for your business
Industry-leading systems and tools