Multi-Factor Authentication

The number one way to prevent account compromise

Traditional username and passwords are frequently stolen or cracked by hackers, giving them full access to company data and systems.

To easily prevent this, you can add a second layer of protection to your business by implementing multi-factor authentication across all your accounts.

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Passphrases over passwords

Shifting from traditional passwords to passphrases is an easy way to enhance the protection of your team’s accounts, as it makes them much harder to crack.

Passphrases contain spaces and multiple words, and are therefore much longer in length. We have provided advice and insights into passphrases over on our blog.

Learn more

Quickly and easily enhance your security

In addition to a username and password, your team will need an additional credential to validate their identity - such as a code from an SMS or mobile app, the answer to a personal security question, or third party tokens.

This gives you the confidence that the person accessing your company’s assets is a member of your team, and closes potential access from hackers.

How we can help

Our go-to advice for every single customer is to implement multi-factor authentication and passphrases, to enhance their security.

If you’d like this implemented across your business, our team can build these requirements and criteria into your systems and applications, so that all your staff must adhere to these guidelines in order to gain access to their accounts.
